Part B References
Part B theory slides by Luca Bianco
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python online book by Brad Miller and David Ranum
Theory exercises (complexity, tree visits, graph visits) - by Alberto Montresor
LeetCode for Part B
In general: (sort by easy difficulty)
LeetCode LinkedLists
Linked List Cycle NOTE: a solution which occupies \(O(n)\) memory is easy - the follow up question requires \(O(1)\) memory, for that you will probably need to look at the solution
LeetCode Queues
Number of Recent Calls notice you only need to return number of calls occurred during last 3000 ms, so please try avoiding storing all previous calls history
LeetCode Trees
NOTE 1: on LeetCode root
usually can also be None
NOTE 2: on LeetCode self
is reserved for the test runner, ignore it
NOTE 3: if you try the algorithms on your computer, you will want to add these __str__
and __repr__
methods to TreeNode
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
def __str__(self):
""" Returns a pretty string of the tree """
def str_branches(node, branches):
""" Returns a string with the tree pretty printed.
branches: a list of characters representing the parent branches. Characters can be either ` ` or '│'
strings = [str(node.val)]
i = 0
if node.left != None or node.right != None:
for current in [node.left, node.right]:
if i == 0:
joint = '├'
joint = '└'
for b in branches:
if i == 0:
branches.append(' ')
if current != None:
strings.append(str_branches(current, branches))
i += 1
return "".join(strings)
return str_branches(self, [])
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
NOTE 4: testcases are expressed as a list, which doesn’t tell much how the tree is structured. To see a visualization of the tree, when you get an error you can copy paste the ‘Input’ testcase into this tab and turn on the Tree Visualizer selector:
Trees exercises on LeetCode (sort by easy difficulty), for example:
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree HINT: when you need to calculate a
of two numbers but one of them may be undefined, you can initialize them tomath.inf
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal HINT: use a queue, for more info see here
Average of Levels in Binary Tree HINT: use a queue, for more info see here
Cousins in Binary Tree NOTE: nodes have all distinct values, a queue visit might help
Find Mode in Binary Search Tree - you don’t need to bother about the follow up question
Path Sum DO NOT store in memory all possible paths to then calculate the sum of each, that would be a waste of space.
LeetCode Graphs
Geeks for geeks
NOTE: required outputs are a bit strange, often times they ask you to print stuff while in fact you just need to return some data.
Geeks for geeks Queues
Interleave the first half of the queue with second half to implement it, use
object from python module queueSorting a Queue without extra space remember to use only the allowed operations !
Geeks for geeks Graphs
NOTE: if they require you to produce stuff like matrices they are shown as a line of numbers but you have to return the actual Python matrix
DO NOT print anything
Distance of nearest cell having 1 in a binary matrix - HINT: basically it’s a BFS on a matrix
Rotten Oranges - HINT: basically it’s a BFS on a matrix