Exam - Wed 10, Feb 2021
Scientific Programming - Data Science @ University of Trento
Download exercises and solutions
Part A - Wikispeedia
NOTICE: this part of the exam was ported to softpython website
There you can find a more curated version (notice it may be longer than here)
Wikispeedia is a fun game where you are given (or can choose) a source and a target Wikipedia page, and you are asked to reach target page by only clicking links you find along the pages you visit. These click paths provide valuable information regarding human behaviour and the semantic connection between different topics. You will analyze a dataset of such paths.
Data source: https://snap.stanford.edu/data/wikispeedia.html
Robert West and Jure Leskovec: Human Wayfinding in Information Networks. 21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2012.
Robert West, Joelle Pineau, and Doina Precup: Wikispeedia: An Online Game for Inferring Semantic Distances between Concepts. 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2009.
Open Jupyter and start editing this notebook exam-2021-02-10.ipynb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = None
df = pd.read_csv('paths_finished.tsv', encoding='UTF-8', skiprows=16, header=None, sep='\t')
Each row of the dataset paths_finished.tsv is a user session, where user navigates from start page to end page. Columns are hashedIpAddress
, timestamp
, durationInSec
, path
and rating
We define a session group as all sessions which have same start page and same end page, for example all these paths start with Linguistics
and end in Rome
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
5890 | 2f8c281d5e0b0e93 | 1248913182 | 106 | Linguistics;Philosophy;Aristotle;Ancient_Greece;Italy;Rome | 3.0 |
5891 | 389b67fa365b727a | 1249604227 | 89 | Linguistics;Language;English_language;Latin;Rome | 2.0 |
5892 | 0299542414c3f20a | 1257970576 | 94 | Linguistics;Philosophy;Plato;Latin;Rome | NaN |
5893 | 2b6e83d366a7514d | 1260188882 | 113 | Linguistics;Philosophy;Thomas_Aquinas;Italy;Rome | 2.0 |
5894 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1282028286 | 153 | Linguistics;Language;Spanish_language;Vulgar_Latin;Roman_Empire;Rome | NaN |
5895 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1295244051 | 62 | Linguistics;Philosophy;Socrates;Ancient_Greece;Ancient_Rome;Rome | 1.0 |
5896 | 772843f73d9cf93d | 1307880434 | 177 | Linguistics;Language;German_language;Latin_alphabet;<;Italy;Rome | NaN |
5897 | 654430d34a08a0f5 | 1339755238 | 81 | Linguistics;Philosophy;Augustine_of_Hippo;Italy;Rome | 2.0 |
5898 | 12470aee3d5ad152 | 1344167616 | 40 | Linguistics;Philosophy;Plato;Italy;Rome | NaN |
5899 | 6365b049395c53ce | 1345421532 | 67 | Linguistics;Culture;Ancient_Rome;Rome | 1.0 |
5900 | 05786cb24102850d | 1347671980 | 65 | Linguistics;Language;English_language;Latin;Rome | 2.0 |
5901 | 369a3f7e77700217 | 1349302559 | 56 | Linguistics;Language;English_language;Latin;Rome | NaN |
In this other session group, all sessions start with Pikachu
and end with Sun
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
45121 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278403914 | 17 | Pikachu;North_America;Earth;Planet;Sun | 1.0 |
45122 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278403938 | 42 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45123 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278403972 | 17 | Pikachu;Tree;Plant;<;Sunlight;Sun | 1.0 |
45124 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278403991 | 8 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45125 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404007 | 9 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | 1.0 |
45126 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404048 | 8 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45127 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404061 | 16 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45128 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404065 | 8 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45129 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404070 | 8 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45130 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404089 | 8 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45131 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404095 | 7 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45132 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404101 | 9 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45133 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404117 | 6 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45134 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404124 | 10 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45135 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404129 | 9 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45136 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404142 | 7 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
45137 | 0d57c8c57d75e2f5 | 1278404145 | 6 | Pikachu;Tree;Sunlight;Sun | NaN |
A1 filter_back
Whenever a user clicks the Back button, she navigates back one page. This fact is tracked in the data by the presence of a '<'
symbol. Write a function which RETURN a NEW path without pages which were navigated back.
NOTE: you can have duplicates even without presence of <
, because a user might end up to a previous page just by following circular links. Don’t misuse search methods, I’m watching you }:-{
def filter_back(path):
raise Exception('TODO IMPLEMENT ME !')
assert filter_back([]) == []
assert filter_back(['alfa']) == ['alfa']
assert filter_back(['beta','alfa','charlie']) == ['beta','alfa','charlie']
assert filter_back(['charlie', 'tango','<']) == ['charlie']
inp = ['charlie', 'tango','<']
assert filter_back(inp) == ['charlie'] # new
assert inp == ['charlie', 'tango','<']
assert filter_back(['alfa', 'beta', 'charlie','<','<','delta']) == ['alfa','delta']
assert filter_back(['alfa', 'beta', 'charlie','delta','eagle','<','<','golf','<','<','hotel']) \
== ['alfa','beta','hotel']
# circular paths
assert filter_back(['alfa','beta','alfa','alfa','beta']) == ['alfa','beta','alfa','alfa','beta']
assert filter_back(['alfa','beta','alfa','<','charlie','charlie','delta','charlie','<','charlie','delta']) \
== ['alfa','beta','charlie','charlie','delta','charlie','delta']
A2 load_db
Load the tab-separated file paths_finished.tsv with a CSV Reader. The file has some rows to skip and no column names: parse it and RETURN a list of dictionaries, with hashedIpAddress
, timestamp
, durationInSec
, path
and rating
as fields:
: convert it withfilter_back
: convert to integerrating
: convert to integer, ifNULL
, set it toNone
import csv
def load_db(filename):
raise Exception('TODO IMPLEMENT ME !')
sessions_db = load_db('paths_finished.tsv')
Parsed 51318 sessions
[{'hashedIpAddress': '6a3701d319fc3754',
'timestamp': 1297740409,
'durationInSec': 166,
'path': ['14th_century',
'rating': None},
{'hashedIpAddress': '3824310e536af032',
'timestamp': 1344753412,
'durationInSec': 88,
'path': ['14th_century',
'rating': 3}]
from pprint import pprint
from expected_db import expected_db
for i in range(0, len(expected_db)):
if expected_db[i] != sessions_db[i]:
print('\nERROR at index', i, ':')
print(' ACTUAL:')
print(' EXPECTED:')
A3 calc_stats
Write a function which takes the sessions db and RETURN a NEW dictionary which maps sessions groups expressed as tuples (start, end) to a dictionary of statistics about them
dictionary key: tuple with start,end page
: the number of sessions in that groupavg_len
: the average length (as number of edges) of all paths in the grouppages
: the total number of DISTINCT pages found among all sessions in that groupfreqs
: a dictionary which maps edges found in all sessions of that group to their countmax_freq
: the highest count among all freqs
def calc_stats(sessions):
raise Exception('TODO IMPLEMENT ME !')
stats_db = calc_stats(sessions_db)
from pprint import pprint
from expected_stats_db import expected_stats_db
for t in expected_stats_db:
if not t in stats_db:
print('\nERROR: missing key for session group', t)
elif expected_stats_db[t] != stats_db[t]:
print('\nERROR at key for session group', t, ':')
print(' ACTUAL:')
print(' EXPECTED:')
Output excerpt:
pprint({ k:stats_db[k] for k in [('Linguistics', 'Rome'), ('Pikachu', 'Sun')]})
{('Linguistics', 'Rome'): {'avg_len': 4.166666666666667,
'freqs': {('Ancient_Greece', 'Ancient_Rome'): 1,
('Ancient_Greece', 'Italy'): 1,
('Ancient_Rome', 'Rome'): 2,
('Aristotle', 'Ancient_Greece'): 1,
('Augustine_of_Hippo', 'Italy'): 1,
('Culture', 'Ancient_Rome'): 1,
('English_language', 'Latin'): 3,
('German_language', 'Italy'): 1,
('Italy', 'Rome'): 5,
('Language', 'English_language'): 3,
('Language', 'German_language'): 1,
('Language', 'Spanish_language'): 1,
('Latin', 'Rome'): 4,
('Linguistics', 'Culture'): 1,
('Linguistics', 'Language'): 5,
('Linguistics', 'Philosophy'): 6,
('Philosophy', 'Aristotle'): 1,
('Philosophy', 'Augustine_of_Hippo'): 1,
('Philosophy', 'Plato'): 2,
('Philosophy', 'Socrates'): 1,
('Philosophy', 'Thomas_Aquinas'): 1,
('Plato', 'Italy'): 1,
('Plato', 'Latin'): 1,
('Roman_Empire', 'Rome'): 1,
('Socrates', 'Ancient_Greece'): 1,
('Spanish_language', 'Vulgar_Latin'): 1,
('Thomas_Aquinas', 'Italy'): 1,
('Vulgar_Latin', 'Roman_Empire'): 1},
'max_freq': 6,
'pages': 19,
'sessions': 12},
('Pikachu', 'Sun'): {'avg_len': 3.0588235294117645,
'freqs': {('Earth', 'Planet'): 1,
('North_America', 'Earth'): 1,
('Pikachu', 'North_America'): 1,
('Pikachu', 'Tree'): 16,
('Planet', 'Sun'): 1,
('Sunlight', 'Sun'): 16,
('Tree', 'Sunlight'): 16},
'max_freq': 16,
'pages': 7,
'sessions': 17}}
A4 plot_network
Given a sessions group (start_page, target_page), we want to display the pages clicked by users for all its sessions. Since some sessions share edges, we will show their click frequency.
Set edges attributes
as \(freq\),'penwidth'
as \(5 \large \frac{freq}{max\_freq}\) and'color'
Only display edges (and pages connected by such edges) for which the click count is strictly greater than the given
NOTE: when applying a threshold, it’s fine if some nodes don’t appear linked to either source or target
from sciprog import draw_nx
import networkx as nx
def plot_network(stats, source_page, target_page, threshold=0):
raise Exception('TODO IMPLEMENT ME !')
plot_network(stats_db,'Linguistics', 'Rome')
Image saved to file: expected-Linguistics-Rome-0.png
plot_network(stats_db, 'Batman', 'Bible', 0) # default threshold zero, big graph
Image saved to file: expected-Batman-Bible-0.png
plot_network(stats_db, 'Batman', 'Bible', 1) # we take only edges > 1
Image saved to file: expected-Batman-Bible-1.png
Part B
Open Visual Studio Code and start editing the folder on your desktop
B1.1 Theory - Complexity
Write the solution in separate ``theory.txt`` file
Given a list \(L\) of \(n\) elements, please compute the asymptotic computational complexity of the following function, explaining your reasoning.
def my_fun(L):
T = []
N = len(L)
for i in range(N):
cnt = 0
for j in range(N):
if L[i] > L[j]:
cnt += 1
return T
B1.2 Theory - BST
Briefly answer the following questions: what is the Tree data structure. What is a Binary Search Tree (BST)? What can we use a BST for?
B2 Reconstruct BinaryTree
Open bin_tree.py
and implement the following function (note it’s external to the class!)
def reconstruct(root, iterator):
""" Takes a root (i.e. 'a') and a sequence of tuples (node, branch, subnode)
*in no particular order*
i.e. ('b','R','c'), ('a','L','b'), ('a','R','b') ...
and RETURN a NEW BinaryTree reconstructed from such tuples
- node and subnode are represented as node data
- a branch is indicated by either 'L' or 'R'
- MUST perform in O(n) where n is the length of the stream
produced by the iterator
- NOTE: you can read the sequence only once (you are given an iterator)
- in case a branch is repeated (i.e. ('a','L','b') and ('a','L','c'))
the new definition replaces old one
Testing: python3 -m unittest bin_tree_test.ReconstructTest
from bin_tree_sol import *
from bin_tree_test import bt
# note we explicitly pass an iterator just to make sure the implementation reads the sequence only once
t = reconstruct('a', iter([('e','L','g'), ('h','R','i'), ('b','R','d'),
('a','L','b'), ('d','L','f'), ('a','R','c'),
('e','R','h'), ('c', 'L', 'e')]))
from sciprog import draw_bt
B3 Marvelous
Open generic_tree.py
and edit this method:
def marvelous(self):
""" MODIFIES each node data replacing it with the concatenation
of its leaves data
- MUST USE a recursive solution
- assume node data is always a string
Testing: python3 -m unittest generic_tree_test.MarvelousTest
Example: NOTE: leaves may be any character! Here we show them as uppercase but they might also be lowercase.
from gen_tree_sol import *
from gen_tree_test import gt
t = gt('a',
[ ]: